「Daily Maxim 365」プラグインはオープンソースで無料です。
(The Daily Maxim 365 plugin is free, open-source software.)
(Though this is a small plugin, we spend a lot of time and effort devising and improving its features, maintaining the plugin, and responding to WordPress upgrades.)
(If you like this little plugin, please consider making a small donation to support it.)
寄付をしてくださった方へは「Daily Maxim 365」プラグインにデザインを追加する小さなCSSファイルをダウンロードできるおまけをお付けします。
(All those who donate will receive a small gift to download a CSS file that adds a design to the Daily Maxim 365 plugin.)

(This CSS file adds the above design to the Daily Maxim 365 plugin.)
● 寄付の方法・How do I make a donation?
(Please choose the amount you can donate from the following.)
(Donations are made through the download purchase of CSS files.)
(PayPal can be paid using a customer’s card.)
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
(Regardless of the amount of your donation, the files you can download are the same.)
(Please note that we cannot refund any donations once they are received.)
(Depending on your theme, it may not be displayed well. In that case, please modify the CSS file according to your preferred theme.)
● CSSファイルのインストール方法
ダウンロードしたファイルを解凍すると「daily-maxim-365-other-1.css」というファイルが出来ますので、プラグイン「Daily Maxim 365」の以下フォルダに格納します。
| +—css
| | +—frontend
| | | —daily-maxim-365-other-1.css
「Daily Maxim 365」プラグインの「設定」画面を表示し「表示の際のデザイン」で「その他」を選び「変更を保存」を押します。

